Call for Applications to Attend the Climate Pipeline Project Meeting at Harvard (Deadline 10/13/23)
Posted: 10/12/2023 (Conference)
The Climate Pipeline Project at Harvard University invites applications to attend a meeting at Harvard University on Thursday, December 14th, 2023. The Climate Pipeline Project seeks to foster the work of younger scholars, from graduate students to untenured professors. By spotlighting their work, and helping them develop connections with senior scholars, the project hope to encourage rapid growth in attention to the sociology of climate change and to create connections among people working in this area within sociology. Graduate students, post-docs, and non-tenured faculty are invited to submit applications consisting of a paper title and an abstract. We are interested in papers on any aspect of the sociology of climate change, including: environmental justice, social movements, the study of disasters and their aftermath, and energy transitions. Accepted proposals will receive travel and lodging assistance. Apply here by October 13th!
Date: 12/14/2023
Deadline: 10/13/2023